A photo and its story

When I took this picture, I was in Mancera (an Island in front of Niebla, in Valdivia). I was with my friend Ikal. That was her first year studying music at Austral University.


This picture means to me "freshness" and friendship.

In that moment, I was so surprised for those pale red copihues... I and Ikal were walking around the Island, talking about our recent experiences.


Suddenly, I received a call from my mother, who was in Santiago. She said me that I won a prize!, a set of quartz crystals had been sent to my house from Coquimbo. I was so happy; it was the first time I won something.

After that, with Ikal went to a viewpoint and we take off our shoes and take a break lying in the sun.

When we went down to take the barge back to Niebla, I found a feather that I still have.



  1. what a nice story friend
    nature is very wise <3

  2. What a great surprise! that flower brought you luck haha

  3. How great to find such a beautiful copihue flower, and may it also bring you luck! or maybe Ikal brought you luck 👌

  4. its a beautiful picture and a beautiful history

  5. sometimes casual moments leave us beautiful stories to remember, beautiful photo Vivi, I send you a hug !! <3

  6. oooh an unforgettable day jajaja the universe was on your side


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