
Post 8: A subject I enjoyed studying

 My favourite subject in this online semester was "social ecologys fundamentals", it is an elective course. Personally I had hope in the subject "ecosystems goods and services" but it wasn't that I expected.  In this class we met in zoom to talk about a topic, it is very interesting and "relax", sometimes we have class with guest professors and they exposed topic of interest for them. I enjoy it because every so often, we had to read some information and write about our opinions and points of view. I learned that the social and nature subsystem are connected and we can't study them in a separated way, for this is absolutly necessary the interdisciplinarity. I think that I want to specialised in socioecosystems investigation, specially in etnobotanic things, and for that I have to realise extra study with content not oficial of the career.  Now we have to read the text "Principles of deep ecology" and answer this question: Can deep ecology

Post 7: An expert/person in your field that you admire

  What person do I admire in my field? I admire Miss Matilde López because she is so open to new views and opinions, one day she said to us that all of his major in California and prestigious university didn’t what the way, and she realised of it in her adulthood, and she was not sad or discourage about it.  She is Academic of the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Nature Conservation of the University of Chile. She founded the Academy of Limnology in Chile, and is cofound of the Chilean society of Ficology, currently she is part of the Hydrology laboratory of the faculty and, is part of the university senate until 2022.  I don’t know so much about the life of this person, but in class she commented that she travelled so much and did his studies in different countries around the world. Also I know she lives near university.

Post 6

I think the better form that my major affects the world is making real that union between nature and human, independently if you are from city or countryside. All of nature, including the human, needs more that a “green area” or a reduce space with flowers and some exotic trees… Forestry engineer can do a positive impact “democratizing” the connexion with cycles of nature, I mean that we all deserve being and stay in the forest, in the jungle, or in a healthy desert ecosystem (according to our territoriality) with clean water and air, and organic foods. I can see myself in the process planting and sowing physical, spiritual and emotional health through the direct contact with the substrate of the earth. I think that my major is very polemic, that makes it something important to contribute to the world’s benefit because in the middle of the chaos is where we found answers or “lights” to change what is wrong.

A photo and its story

When I took this picture, I was in Mancera (an Island in front of Niebla, in Valdivia). I was with my friend Ikal. That was her first year studying music at Austral University.   This picture means to me "freshness" and friendship. In that moment, I was so surprised for those pale red copihues... I and Ikal were walking around the Island, talking about our recent experiences.   Suddenly, I received a call from my mother, who was in Santiago. She said me that I won a prize!,  a set of quartz crystals had been sent to my house from Coquimbo. I was so happy; it was the first time I won something. After that, with Ikal went to a viewpoint and we take off our shoes and take a break lying in the sun. When we went down to take the barge back to Niebla, I found a feather that I still have. 💚

A meal or food I really like

Hi classmates! I hope everyone is fine. Today I am going to tell you what is my favorite food.. It is "porotos con mazamorra". I like do it when the beans are fresh, in their pod. It is the best way to cook them.  How is it made? First, the beans are shelled from his cap. Then, they are washed and cooked with pumpkin, basil leaves and paprika. Once cooked, corncob is grated and the sofrito is included in the preparation, it is whipped constantly until it thickens, and as a final touch it is topped with colored chili marinated in oil, just a little bit of. I love this food because it reminds me to my grandmother <3 and family love. Also it is a very healthy food and nutritive, because it is only prepare with vegetables and good love. Thank you 

My favourite piece of technology

 My favourite piece of technology are my headphones. I love them because I can appreciate the music with all these sounds’ effects, and it is so agreeable. I use it for listening special songs, such as "apply" by Glasser or "sleeper" by Snarky puppy. I like to appreciate this sounds. Also, my mom loves to use them and hear songs by Pavarotti or for both of us to delight seeing the performance of Lola Flores.  The headphones didn’t affect in an important way my life, I had them recently and my life didn't change because this. I think it is because this piece is like an accessory, I don't need them to live, but they can proportionate intensity. I recommend using it if you want to relax some time! Personally, I have them because the small headphones hurt my ears.

Why did I choose my major?

In my childood, when someone asked me what I want to study, I always replied so fast "veterinary", but in my inside I knowed that I’ll never going to study Veterinary because I just liked caress to animals. At the moment of applying at university, I had three options: Antropology at University of Chile, Antropology at Austral University and Psychology at University of Chile. I studied anthropology the first year of career, but it didn't like me, I think that we can do anthropology in any context, not just inside the academy. Then I studied Phytotherapy at an Institute. In the end I decided to be forest student and I am so happy. The kind of job I would like to have, is as an Herbalist, respecting, seeing and loving the environment and nature.